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Parents & Students (High School Juniors & Seniors)
Positions High School students to be more deliberate in choosing a career direction. The skills and passion assessment is designed to help students get in touch with their natural skills and abilities at the beginning of their professional career training.
This will allow financial savings related to both "time and money". Only 30% of young adults in the U.S. complete a Bachelor's Degree. Many change their majors at least one time during college.
Career Coaching around occupational selections based on natural skills and abilities
Develop goals for achieving plan -- college 2 or 4 years depending on career interests, technical skills training, non-profit (free) training options, etc.
Creates an Educational Resource Referral Listing
Provides on-going coaching as needed in support of the plan
Provides resume and cover letter writing services along with interview preparation when needed
Higher Education Facts: The labor market continues to grow more demanding. Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce predicts that by 2018:
71% of all jobs in the District of Columbia (500,000 jobs)
66% of all jobs in Maryland (2 million jobs
64% of all jobs in Virginia (2.8 million jobs)
will require some post-secondary training. Nearly half of the job openings that require
post-secondary education will go to people with an associate’s degree or
post-secondary certificate. Known as “middle-skill jobs,” these careers pay significantly more than those open to individuals with only a high school diploma. Of the
people with post-secondary licenses or certificates, 27% of them earn more than the
average bachelor’s degree recipient.
"Free Consultation" for Parents & Students
Student Career & Educational Planning
Educational Resource Referral Listing